Global Warming

Global warming is the change in earth’s temperature due to human activities over a short period of time. In other words the increase in green house gases resulting in the change in earth’s climate.

Green house gases are the gases which natuarally occur in earth’s atmosphere. But there are high level green house gases which results due to human activities like burning of fuels, use of cholroflorocarbons etc. Next question arises is how these gases results in increase in earth’s temperature?

When sun’s rays hit the earth’s atmosphere, 30% of the energy is been reflected back and only 70% reaches the earth. This 70% energy does not stay on earth forever. The land and ocean eventually radiate heat out. some of them radiated back into the space and other been absorbed by the gases like carbondioxide, water vapor etc. This heat helps in keeping our planet warm. This is the natural effect of green house gases, which keeps the planet warm. But since the Industrial revolution man has been adding huge amount of green house gases into the atmosphere.

Carbondioxide is a colourless gas and has the property to absorb heat raidiation. Today human activity has increased cabondioxide percent to a great extent in atmosphere. This has resulted in increase in earth’s temperature. The graph shows the increase in cabondioxide concentration with years.

The worldwatch institute reports that carbon emissions worldwide have increased from about 1 billion tons in 1900 to about 7 billion tons in 1995. The Institute also notes that the average surface temperature of Earth has gone from 14.5 degrees C in 1860 to 15.3 degrees C in 1980.

Effects of Green house gases:

Depletion of ozone layer: Ozone layer protects life on earth by absorbing harmful radiations. The ozone layer is slowly depleting due to the increase in green house gases.

Glaciers and ice shelfs are melting around the globe which results in increase in sea water level. The melting of ice accelarates global warming because less of the sun’s energy would be reflected.

Global warming effect can be reduced by:

Minimising the use of products which produce green house gases.

By using natural source of energy.

Saving energy.

Increase the efficiency of system.

Plant more trees.

Recycle goods.

Avoid using choroflurocarbons in air conditioning and refregenation plants.

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